OT: The London Bombs

The Report into the 7 July bombings has now been released, and it fails to satisfy.
We already know that the British government engaged in folly by attacking Iraq against the wishes of the overwhelming majority in this country. While this act does not excuse terrorist actions such as those on 7 July 2005, it was foolish for the government to embark on a course of action which polarised opinion and helped to create the conditions in which young British muslims felt justified in attacking their fellow citizens. Now even this feeble departmental report on the bombings has stated another (indirect) link with the Iraq war:
A lack of resources hindered the chances of the security services preventing the attacks.
In other words, we have spent billions of pounds attacking a country which did not have WMDs and did not pose a threat to the citizens of the UK. At the same time we did not allocate the proper resources required to ensure the safety and security of the citizens of this country against terrorism.
Sign the petition for a full and independent inquiry.
In other words, we have spent billions of pounds attacking a country which did not have WMDs
Turns out it did, though.
Yeah sure. Swallow the Bush spin. Or not as the case may be:
"Just ignore the facts that only 500 were found, they were buried near the Iranian border, dated back to the 1988 Iran-Iraq War and finally, were degraded to the point that the Sarin gas was harmless. The mustard gas could still burn, but there wasn't enough to warrent the invasion, let alone a threat to us.
Yup, so glad we spent three years, 200,000 thousand soldiers (with 2500+ soldiers dead and thousands more injured/maimed), nearly a trillion dollars and international respect.
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